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ATX ® offers top-quality, tested and proven equipment for professional use
  • maksimalna mejna obremenitev palice je 700kg za širok prijem npr. Bench press
  • reducirana mejna obremenitev palice 400kg za ozek prijem npr. dead lift
  • minimalna mejna obremenitev palice300kg točkovno npr. počep (glejte sliko spodaj)

The ATX Power Bar ® is a precise - made ​​of tough elastic spring steel barbell in the high-end finishes.
Whether for Crossfit, Weight Lifting - keep ® barbells or power lifting, the ATX was also extreme demands
and therefore meet the highest standards.
Faces encapsulated high quality with ATX ® color code logo
Color code / color: black
Material: tough elastic spring steel
Carrying capacity: 700 KG (Detailed information on exposure limits and application of technology)
Net weight: 20.0 KG + / - 0.2%
Overall length: 2200 mm
Handlebar measurements: 1310 mm
Handle bar diameter: Ø28, 5 mm
Recordings Ø: Ø 50 mm, with fine anti-slip finish
Recording / storage: silky smooth pivot bearing with precision brass bushings
Edge: fine, very grippy  with 2-fold Reach marking
Mark / grip widths: 810/910 mm
Surface Coating: Combined coating - handle bar with high quality black hybrid coating. Disc recordings with extremely abrasion-resistant Qualitätsverchromung
Type of load transfer maximum allowable load weight of the dumbbell exercises as
Wide grip width: 700 KG Bench Press
Mean grip width: 400 KG Deadlift
Selectively middle / narrow handle width: 300 KG Squat
The following table shows the permitted uses for the dumbbell are listed.
Approval application notes & limitations
Fitness: YES
Crossfit: YES must be used if appropriate solid rubber weight plates and shedding mats!
Weightlifting: YES must be used if appropriate solid rubber weight plates and shedding mats!
319,00 €
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ATX ® offers top-quality, tested and proven equipment for professional use
  • maksimalna mejna obremenitev palice je 700kg za širok prijem npr. Bench press
  • reducirana mejna obremenitev palice 500kg za ozek prijem npr. dead lift
  • minimalna mejna obremenitev palice 400kg točkovno npr. počep (glejte sliko spodaj)

ATX® ponuja vrhunske, preizkušena in dokazano opremo za profesionalno uporabo.

ATX® moč bar je so izdelani iz legiranih posebnega jekla / vzmetnega jekla precizno izdelane barbells v high-end konča
Palice imajo zelo visok vlaka in tlačno trdnost s hkratno elastičnost.
Tako lahko palice se deformira, da določene napetosti (meja elastičnosti), potem brez trajnih deformacij
elastično vrniti v prvotno stanje.
Odločilni dejavnik pri tem je optimalna kakovost zlitina med drugim Kroma, molibdena, silicija, mangana.

V ATX® barbells so torej edinstvena v tem segmentu cena / zmogljivost!

V ATX® barbells skozi nemškega neodvisnega laboratorija za testiranje naslednjih preskusov materiala:

Natezni preskus acc. DIN EN ISO 6892-1
Natezni preskus acc. DIN EN ISO 6892-1

Rockwell trdote acc. DIN EN ISO 6508-1
Rockwell trdote acc. DIN EN ISO 6508-1

Štangla ima naslednje vrednosti:

Natezna trdnost (Tesile Strength): 206000 psi = 206 K (K / ksi = kilo funtov na kvadratni centimeter)
= / Ustreza 1420 N / mm2
HRC / površinska trdota: 44,0
Ali za funkcionalno fitnes, uteži - ali powerlifting, ATX® Štangla palice obdržati tudi najbolj ekstremne zahteve in je bila zato izpolnjujejo najvišje standarde. Prednje strani obkrožajo kakovosti, z barvno oznako logotipom ATX®

Color Code / Barva: črna

The ATX Power Bar ® is a precise - made of tough elastic spring steel barbell in the high-end finishes.
Whether for Crossfit, Weight Lifting - keep ® barbells or power lifting, the ATX was also extreme demands
and therefore meet the highest standards.
Faces encapsulated high quality with ATX ® color code logo
Color code / color: black
Material: tough elastic spring steel
Carrying capacity: 700 KG (Detailed information on exposure limits and application of technology)
Net weight: 20.0 KG + / - 0.2%
Overall length: 2200 mm
Handlebar measurements: 1310 mm
Handle bar diameter: Ø28, 5 mm
Recordings Ø: Ø 50 mm, with fine anti-slip finish
Recording / storage: silky smooth pivot bearing with precision brass bushings
Edge: fine, very grippy  with 2-fold Reach marking
Mark / grip widths: 810/910 mm
Surface Coating: Combined coating - handle bar with high quality black hybrid coating. Disc recordings with extremely abrasion-resistant Qualitätsverchromung
Type of load transfer maximum allowable load weight of the dumbbell exercises as
Wide grip width: 700 KG Bench Press
Mean grip width: 400 KG Deadlift
Selectively middle / narrow handle width: 300 KG Squat
The following table shows the permitted uses for the dumbbell are listed.
Approval application notes & limitations
Fitness: YES
Crossfit: YES (must be used if appropriate solid rubber weight plates and shedding mats!)
Weightlifting: YES (must be used if appropriate solid rubber weight plates and shedding mats!)
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