Leanpy plačilo na obroke

BH FITNESS SK LINE tekalna steza SK7990 profesionalna

Na zalogi
0% of 100
8.790,00 €

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Length (cm)    233
Width (cm)    94
Height (cm)    140
Weight (kg)    170
Max. recommended user weight (kg)    220
Dual monitor option    Sí
Screen size (")    19
Pulse control    yes
Fan    -
Bottle holder    yes
Transport wheels    yes
Self-generated    -
Reinforced structure    yes
HIIT training allows    -
Telemetric pulse compatible with Polar    yes
Painted anticorrosive treatment    yes
Emergency stop button    yes
Monitor    yes
Monitor type    SmartFocus 19" for treadmills, LED + Dot Matrix 19" for treadmills
Damping system    Protonic
Speed range    0,8-26km/h
Motor    6,0CV
Running surface    161x55cm
Maximum inclination    16%
Lubrication    No required
Automatic shutdown system    yes
Easy Toolbar on the rail    yes
Adjustable leveling feet    yes
Ultra reinforced chassis    yes
progressive damping elastomers    yes
Aluminum side profiles and band slip PVC    yes
Intelligent shock absorption system    yes
Case    ABS painted with automotive technology
Pulse tactile sensors on the handlebars    yes
Dual speed fan    -
Color screen    yes
Oversized bearings    yes
Magnetic speed sensor    yes
Family    SK



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Pregledujete:BH FITNESS SK LINE tekalna steza SK7990 profesionalna
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